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Why hire a Remote DBA?

Server Side Technology Solutions is a consulting firm that specializes in databa
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on Jul 14 in Blog 0 Comments

It's always a good idea to validate your business proposition by answering a simple question. In our case I will tackle the question of why it might be a good idea to hire a Remote DBA service.

Let's face it, Database professionals are expensive to hire and maintain on your staff. Some companies cannot afford to pay a full time salaried database professional yet they use databases in their organization and the skill becomes a need and they need somewhere to turn. If your business is lucky enough to be able to afford a database guy it sure would be nice to have another when he/she is in vacation/sick/etc. And, truth be told, no one knows it all and having some extra minds in the fold comes in handy when a problem has your staff stumped.

Having a Remote DBA service procured and ready to help can be a strategic move for your business. Feel free to browse our service offerings or our project listing and drop us a line if you would like to explore the idea of hiring a Remote DBA Service.

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Server Side Technology Solutions is a consulting firm that specializes in database design, development and support.


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