Some news and tidbits that we share
These allow you to get some basic info on your data quickly.
The 2 I like the most so far are the Talend Open Profiler
and another called Data Cleaner. Talend is more graphical and
Data Cleaner is a bit more intuitive so they both have their merits.
http://datacleaner.eobjec... I've been looking into Open Source Data Profilers of late.
These allow you to get some basic info on your data quickly.
The 2 I like the most so far are the Talend Open Profiler
and another called Data Cleaner. Talend is more graphical and
Data Cleaner is a bit more intuitive so they both have their merits.
Talend also sells an "Enterprise" version of the product
I also came across an Open Source Data Modeling tool that has some
basic profiling capabilities named Power Architect.
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