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Database Managed Services - 2008 Strategy for ServerSide

Server Side Technology Solutions is a consulting firm that specializes in databa
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on Jan 15 in Blog 0 Comments
Over the coming year I am planning on extending my consulting services company into the area of managed services and support. More and more I am seeing companies that would like to bring these services on board to either supplement their existing staff or to bring these skills to the table for the first time. Let's face it - deep skills in... Over the coming year I am planning on extending my consulting services company into the area of managed services and support. More and more I am seeing companies that would like to bring these services on board to either supplement their existing staff or to bring these skills to the table for the first time. Let's face it - deep skills in database technology are both hard to come by AND expensive. Many small, medium, and even large companies would love to buy these services without having to commit to a large staff or a long term outsourcing agreement. I am in the process of drafting initial agreements for several of my current clients now and hope to extend the offer to new clients over the coming year.
If you have interest let me know.

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Server Side Technology Solutions is a consulting firm that specializes in database design, development and support.


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