Linux/Unix Screen command
Recently, I went through a restore for a very large database that took several days to complete. I was literally tied to my shell and couldn't afford to sever my internet connection and was unable to leave the house. I new of a command called screen and had used it before. However, I was in crisis mode and couldn't review it's use at the time and had already started the recovery and didn't want to restart the process. Today I reviewed screen and know it will come in handy. Screen allows you to re-attach to a secure shell session after a connection failure. Since we do a lot of remote work connection failures occur all the time. For Windows, using Remote Desktop this isn't a big deal since you can re-attach. But, for Linux/Unix the work-around isn't as well known.
Basically, to start a screen session just type the screen command. This starts a new shell (sort of a facade) that can be re-attached to if you need to disconnect or if your connection suddenly goes away.
To re-attached you need to get the session identifier so you can re-attach. To see a list of sessions use screen -ls. This command will list screen sessions that can be attached to.
To attach to a screen session: screen -r