Catalog import for ATG ecommerce rolloutFor this project we worked in conjunction with a large team assembled to take over a project from a consulting company that was not able to continue work on the project. The website was set to launch with a large music catalog containing on the order of 60,000 skus. The previous implementation team had a shell of an implementation to work from. A master product catalog was producing 50+ files that needed to be loaded into various tables in the ATG database schema. We developed loaders for the various catalog tables and reverse engineered the database schema so as to honor the referential integrity constraints in the database. The implementation supported a "live" and "staging" schema so that the staging schema was loaded and then switched to the live schema so that users would not experience transitional issues that could result as part of a catalog load. Full automation was developed so as to minimize the needs of staff. A load report was developed to monitor each load for success.